
2012-07-02 14:12:43

Russian Naval Convoy June and July 2012


As reported by the Russian Navy:

following Russian convoys are scheduled to depart

Westbound: from point “B” (15:15 N - 058:20 E) up to point “A” on 29 June, 23 July 2012

Eastboundfrompoint “A” (17:10 N - 040:40 E) up to point “B” on 17 July 2012

Further dates are to be advised later.

Each convoy ETD is 04:00 UTC.

Vessels going to join any of convoys above should arrive at the assembly point at least 2 hrs before the ETD.


Shipping companies and shipmasters, that would like their vessels to join this convoy, are kindly requested to submit their applications according to the Russian application form to the RMSS via:

e-mail: smb@msecurity.ru or fax: +7 (495) 607-01-95


(信息来源:www.mschoa.org 上述信息仅供参考,如有护航要求,请与护航海军联系)


版权所有:中国船东协会  技术支持:交通运输部科学研究院